Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Mixtape - for the XXI century teens

Todos o fizemos. A K7 com "aquelas" músicas que entregávamos à nossa cara-metade, como que a dizer: "Toma, este sou eu e o que oiço a pensar em ti". Pois bem, no século XXI, a K7 saíu de moda, mas o conceito não. Visitem o site Mixtaping.fm e criem as vossas playlists.

We all did it. That mixtape with "those" songs that we used to give to our better-half, saying: "this is who i am and what i listen when i'm thinking on you". Well, we're in 21st century, and the tape is old-fashioned, but not the concept. Visit  the site Mixtaping.fm and create your playlists.

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