A plataforma digital bastante conhecida de open-source DIY-
Instructables, quer neste momento abrir um
restaurante open-source onde tudo desde as cadeiras, máquinas de lavar, a ementa, luzes, etc e toda a comida são inputs de membros do Instructables já feitos ou por fazer.
Por acaso já tive oportunidade de experienciar um restaurante open-source como projecto de final de curso do designer
Iain Aitchison na
Design Academy.
Outros exemplos de restaurantes conceptuais são:
Food Facility do designer
Marti Guixe,
The Micro-Green Restaurant pela artista
Debra Solomon do
culiblog.orgLembrei-me de um website relacionado com este post:
open source foodThe well known open-source website
Instructables, is intending to open up an
open-source restaurant where everything from chairs,dishwasher, menucard, light etc. and all the food are based on input by Instructables members have made or will make.
I have seen an open-source restaurant project as a final master project by the designer
Iain Aitchison at
Design Academy.
Such concept restaurants have taken place in the past, such has
Food Facility by the designer
Marti Guixe,
The Micro-Green Restaurant by the artist
Debra Solomon of
culiblog.orgI remembered an other website related
open source food