Thursday, August 10, 2006

Fundação Anti-Pirataria-África do Sul /Anti-Piracy Foundation “Pirated DVD”-South Africa

O objectivo residia no desencorajamento na compra de DVDs pirateados e encorajar as pessoas a contribuir para a fundação Anti-Pirataria da África do Sul.
A campanha da Fundação passava pela venda dos seu proprios DVDs piratas no circuito ilegal de venda dos mesmos. A campanha começou com o filme Sul Africano mais pirateado de sempre Tsotsi. A diferença entre a cópia da Fundação e de outra cópia ilegal era simples, a versão da Fundação parava pouco depois do filme começar e agradecia pela doação dada à luta contra a pirataria.

The goal was to discourage customers from buying pirated DVD's and encourage people to donate to the Anti-Piracy Foundation, the organisation committed to fighting this crime. Anti-Piracy Foundation sold their own pirated DVD's and distribute them along the regular illegal channels. The campaign was launched with South Africa's most pirated DVD called Tsotsi. The only noticeable difference between Anti-Piracy Foundation copy and an illegal copy was simple - Anti-Piracy Foundation version stopped soon after the start of the movie and thanked them for their donation towards the efforts of anti-piracy.


Anonymous said...

very clever. will only work to a very small degree but its viewers will spread the message.

Anonymous said...

it's too late to stop pirating but it's worth a try. south africa is too poor to make it effective... a real shame.

Anonymous said...

muito fixe, yah mas os dvds ainda estão caros pra cacete! algo tem de mudar e é o preço do artigo original!