Thursday, September 14, 2006

Dia Mundial de Primeiros Socorros/ World First Aid Day

Para criar uma tomada de consciência para o Dia Mundial de Primeiros Socorros, foi colocado um autocolante de uma pessoa no fim de umas escadarias de um cinema em Toronto.À primeira vista, parece que alguem se encontra inconsciente e precisa de ajuda, mas à medida que fica mais proximo percebe-se que é uma imagem com um texto para irem a, para um curso de primeiros socorros.

To raise awareness around World First Aid Day,was placed a life size realistic decals of a person at the bottom stairwells in Cineplex Odeon Theatres in Toronto. At first, the decal generates the impression that someone is lying down unconscious and needs help, but as you get closer, you'll realize it's just a picture on the floor with a call to visit for a first aid training course.


Anonymous said...

very realistic.

Anonymous said...

the woman, the floor, the scene. The action, the future, the money. The best

Anonymous said...

bloody hell!!!! I have seen from this blog that ONG´s are making a rwonderfull work in communication!!

M.M.R. said...

Its a pretty cool idea... but not new. I´ve seen the same concept in brazil. It´s very effective!