Wednesday, August 08, 2007

No real Than you are

Um LEGO gigante de 2,5 metros de altura apareceu a boiar na praia de Zandvoort, na Holanda. O boneco trazia uma frase inscrita : "No Real Than You Are" (Não menos real do que tu). Especulações surgiram à volta de uma acção de Guerrilha da LEGO mas quando questionada com o sucedido a LEGO não soube explicar a origem deste boneco gigante. Mais tarde veio a público que se tratava de um viral do artista plástico Ego Leonard . Este anda numa incessante busca de documentação de pequenas coisas bonitas pelo mundo. Pensa-se que o boneco tenha vindo de Inglaterra.

A giant LEGO man with 2,5 meter.s high was found floating in the beach of Zandvoort, in The Netherlands. The giant toy had written the sentence "No Real Than You Are" . Speculations came up that it was a guerrilla campaign from LEGO, but when asked about it LEGO couldn't explain where did it come from. Later on it came to public knowledge that the giant toy was a promotional stunt for an artist by the name of Ego Leonard who is believed to be "aiming to document small pieces of beauty from round the world."Probably it came from England.

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