Friday, December 28, 2007


Para divulgar uma marca de sacos para conservar comida, foi desenvolvida uma acção em que foram envolvidas várias arvores com sacos gigantes. Estes sacos foram colocados no Outono, altura em que as árvores já estão despidas de folhas, e apenas as que continham sacos de conservação tinham folhas verdes. Os sacos tinham o copy "Mantenha a frescura com os sacos de conservação da Rubin".

As a way to promote a brand of freshness bags, various trees were covered with giant bags. The bags were instaled in Autumn, time when all the tree leaves are gone, and only those that had the freshness bags were left with green leaves. In the bags was written "Keep it fresh with freshness bags by Rubin.

Via: Advertising/Design is Goodness

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