Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Dune 4.1

Dune 4.1_Maastunnel é uma instalação interactiva pública colocada no Maastunnel por altura da "Rotterdam 2007 Cidade da Arquitectura"
Trata-se de uma instalação interactiva que reage aos sons e movimento das pessoas que diariamente passam pelo tunel.

Dune 4.1_Maastunnel is a public, interactive landscape placed in the Maastunnel for the Rotterdam 2007 City of Architecture.

With its upgraded embedded technologies, this enlarged interactive artwork reacts to the sounds and motions of the people daily passing by. Dune 4.1 is a sensual layer of interaction over the existing architecture of the Maastunnel in Rotterdam, NL.

via Studio Roosegaarde

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