Monday, December 15, 2008

Sebastian Errazuriz

Bons trabalho de intervenção urbana de Sebastian Errazuriz. Dos diversos destacam-se The Cow, intervenção onde uma vaca foi resgatada de um matadouro e colocada numa "quinta recreacional" no cimo de um prédio, no centro religioso, económico da cidade Chilena, quebrando assim com a rotina de muitas pessoas na cidade ao vislumbrarem pela janela dos seus escritórios e casas uma "quinta" num prédio.
Outro projecto a salientar é The Orchestra, ainda em desenvolvimento, onde uma orquestra de câmara sem maestro e qualquer pessoa pode tentar conduzi-los, basta subir ao palanque.

Nice urban intervention work by Sebastian Errazuriz. From several i highlight two:first The Cow project, an intervention were a cow was rescued from a slaughter house and placed in a "recreational farm" in top of a building, located in the religious, politic and economical centre of the Chilenean city, therefore breaking the routine by shocking people with a strange view from their office and apartment winfows. Another project is called The Orchestra, still in development, where an orchestra is available for direction, from passers by, you just need to climb the stair and start directing.


Anonymous said...

Oi Red,

I can speack portugues, but anyway I'd like to comment on your blog, wich is really good.
My only question about this actios is if is about an advertising for a company or just a performance by an artist.
I've found lot of interesting info on your posts, but I can't find info about agencies producing the campaings.

boa sorte


Invisible Red said...

Hello Juan

This post about Sebastian Errazuriz, is about his work as an artist and his interventions.