Para comunicar o reality show "Agricultor procura esposa" em espanha duas acções de rua foram criadas:
-Em Barcelona, 2 noivas com sinais foram ao derby the futebol Barça- Real Madrid. Estas andavam pelo estádio falando com as pessoas, estas sentaram-se na primeira fila atraído a atenção do público e das câmeras de TV.
-Em Madrid um agricultor dava voltas à cidade no seu tractor procurando a sua noiva, aos mesmo tempo que a noiva fazia o mesmo. Esta performance acaba com o encontro de ambos.
In order to release the reality show "Granjero busca esposa" ("Farmer search for wife") in Spain, several stunt were made:
-In Barcelona, two brides with signs went to the spanish footbal derby Barça-Real Madrid. The brides walked around the stadium talking to the crowd. They sat on the first row attracting the attention of public and TV cameras.
-In Madrid a farmer with his tractor circulated the all day around the city looking for his bride. At the same time the bride was doing the same. The performance ended with the two meeting eachother and leaving in the tractor.
Via: Marketing Alternativo
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