Friday, November 12, 2010

People Watching

People Watching Plus from Rune Madsen on Vimeo.

Rune Madsen é um criativo multidisciplinar que realiza projectos interactivos que primam pela simplicidade. O projecto People Watching teve apenas alguns cones de cartão e fita amarela e demonstra como simples instalações condicionam o quotidiano das pessoas, jogando com as suas noções de segurança e o sentimento colectivo de estar na rua.

Rune Madsen is a multidisciplinary creative that makes interactive projects that strive for simplicity. People Watching is a project that used only a few card cones and yellow tape that shows how simple installations affect people's daily lives , playing with their notions of security and the collective feeling of being on a street.

1 comment:

Mary said...

mt mt bom.