Monday, June 18, 2012


A TORKE acabou de conquistar um Leão de Bronze no Festival Internacional de Criatividade de Cannes, na categoria de PR. O projecto de divulgação da Galeria de Arte Urbana, da Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, incluiu as iniciativas Reciclar o Olhar e Go Arte Urbana, desenvolvido em parceria com a Citroën, que ajudaram a estreitar a relação dos lisboetas com a street art e a autarquia com os writers. Lisboa, agora mais decorada e menos vandalizada, vê assim um projecto que já fora distinguido com um dos 10 melhores do mundo, na área da urban art, conta agora também com um Leão a passear pelas suas ruas! Parabéns a todos os envolvidos.

TORKE have just been awarded with a Bronze Lion in Cannes International Festival of Creativity, in PR category. The project, that promoted the Urban Art Gallery (from Lisbon's City Hall), included the initiatives Recycle your Sight and Go Arte Urbana, developed alongside Citroën, that helped to close the gap between lisbon citizens and street art, as well as the city hall and writers. Lisbon, now more decorated and less vandalized, and that have already seen the project as one of the 10 best in world about urban art, has now a Lion walking around its city's streets. Congratulations to all.

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