Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Red Bull Can you make it

Red Bull Can you make it. Acção da Red Bull onde 750 estudantes de 15 países diferentes, partiram de Budapeste, Madrid, Manchester, Roma, Berlim com o objectivo de chegarem a Paris até às 18h do dia 31 de Outubro.
Esta será uma viagem diferente pois estes estudantes não podem levar nada consigo, apenas latas de Red Bull que servirão de moeda de troca para arranjar comida, dormida, transportes, etc.

Red Bull Can you make it. Experiental stunt/game where 750 students from 15 different countries, departured from Budapest, Madrid, Manchester, Rome, Berlin with the goal of arriving in Paris until 18h on the 31st of Octobre.
But this journey will be different because this students cannot take anything with them, only Red Bull cans which will be their exchange currency in order to get food, shelter, transportation, etc.

Via: Brief do Lombo

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