Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Spam Urbano - Laser Graffiti / Urban Spam -Laser Graffiti

Experiências laser com arquitectura. O que é necessário são edifícios altos e largos, e utilizar o "aparelho" como promovido pela G.R.L.(Graffiti Research Lab), uma produção da Eyebeam com o apoio do Atelier Rijksbouwmeester, uma instituição que procura estimular a qualidade da arquitectura na Holanda.

Laser experiments with architecture. What you need to do is find a large building , and use ‘the device’ as promoted by G.R.L.(Graffiti Research Lab), a production of Eyebeam with support of the Atelier Rijksbouwmeester, an institution which intends to stimulate the quality of architecture in the Netherlands.

1 comment:

DK said...

wow, this is so cool.