Monday, November 09, 2009

Nike+ The human Race 10k

Nike+ Human Race 10K LIVE from the INSIDE from BBDO argentina on Vimeo.

A BBDO - Argentina criou para a Nike um aplicativo que permitia às pessoas acompanharem em tempo real os sentimentos de 5 corredores-celebridade durante a corrida The human Race 10k. Os corredores levavam consigo um i-phone munido de um aplicativo que transformava mensagens de voz em texto. O texto era, então, transmitido num hotsite, no twitter e em banners. O aplicativo utilizava, ainda, o sistema de GPS do aparelho, dando a localização exacta do corredor no momento do envio da mensagem.

BBDO - Argentina has created an app for NIke that allowed people to have real-time updates on the feelings of 5 celebrity runners during The human Race 10k. The runners were equiped with an i-phone. Just by pressing a button, they could send voice messages that were converted to text and posted on the brands hotsite, twitter and banners. The app also used the cellphone's GPS sistem, indicating the exact location of the runner when he sent the message.

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